Przegląd etnobotanicznych badań roślin sprzedawanych na targowiskach


  • Renata Kasper-Pakosz

Słowa kluczowe:

medicinal plants, market research, ethnobotany, folk medicine


The aim of this study was to review the work on plants sold in markets throughout the world. Several articles from South and North America, Asia, Africa and Europe were reviewed. A record number of species was found in markets in Turkey, in the city of Bodrum – 390. In other countries, i.e. in China, Iran, Greece, Brazil, Bolivia, Korea, Nigeria, Cyprus, Turkey, Croatia, Thailand, Mexico, Morocco, Lithuania and Poland, from 40 to approx. 150 species of plants were recorded in most of the relevant markets. Applications of plants available in the markets met the various needs of buyers. Medically useful plants dominated in most of the markets of the globe. The main categories of medicinal plants were those used for gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory, neurological, urological problems, skin, and gynecological diseases. In some countries the study of market plants was limited to wild edible species (Croatia, Turkey, Korea). No previous ethnobotanical studies have been found documenting the major staple plants sold in markets. It must be emphasized that the studies of the Polish researchers Muszyński from Vilnius (medicinal plants, 1927) and Szulczewski from Poznań (medicinal plants and edible mushrooms, 1933) maybe constitute the first examples of ethnobotanical studies in marketplaces.




Jak cytować

Kasper-Pakosz, R. (2014). Przegląd etnobotanicznych badań roślin sprzedawanych na targowiskach. Etnobiologia Polska, (4), 123–134. Pobrano z


