Intoksykacje muchomorem czerwonym w Polsce – nowa tendencja na scenie narkotykowej czy współczesna adaptacja obcych tradycji? Przegląd literatury i doniesienie kliniczne


  • Paweł Chwaluk
  • Izabella Przybysz

Słowa kluczowe:

Amanita muscaria poisoning, mycophilia, drug scene in Poland


The hallucinogenic properties of the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) have been used by various ethnic groups around the world for centuries. However, in contemporary toxicological literature only a few descriptions of this mushroom poisoning can be found. Major part of these reports comes from Poland and concerns recent years.

In autumn 2015 a 19-year-old man who had eaten raw toadstools to get voluntarily intoxicated (“to get high”), was admitted to our hospital because of impaired consciousness and behavioural disturbances. The basic vital signs were normal, symptoms quickly subsided and the patient was discharged during the second day of hospital stay. His source of information about the hallucinogenic properties of fly agaric was internet. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first case of fly agaric poisoning treated in our hospital for at least 20 years. In the nearby primary care hospitals there were neither recorded similar hospitalizations in the last year.

The rapid changes in the law since 2010, quite effectively limited the development of the drug market in Poland. One of the side effects of drugs policy is the search for new and legal drugs. Recreational use of the fly agaric seems to be an increasing trend in Poland. This trend can be enhanced by Polish mycophilia, as well as the popularization of foreign tradition of using toadstools on Polish internet forums.




Jak cytować

Chwaluk, P., & Przybysz, I. (2015). Intoksykacje muchomorem czerwonym w Polsce – nowa tendencja na scenie narkotykowej czy współczesna adaptacja obcych tradycji? Przegląd literatury i doniesienie kliniczne. Etnobiologia Polska, (5), 89–98. Pobrano z


