Rośliny użytkowe w Puszczy Knyszyńskiej i Beskidzie Niskim


  • Piotr Klepacki

Słowa kluczowe:

Beskid Niski, Puszcza Knyszyńska, medicinal plants, ritual plants


The aim of the study was to investigate the use of plants in two regions of Poland – the Knyszyn Forest and the Beskid Niski Mountains. The aim was to find all of the possible contemporary uses of plants in these areas. Four basic categories of useful plant were distinguished: 1. food plants (wild and domestic), 2. ritual plants (e.g. blessed during church holidays, used in other ritual situations, including weddings etc.), 3. medicinal plants and 4. household plants (e.g. plants used to repel pests). The material consisted of 270 interviews (137 – Knyszyńska Forest and 133 – Beskid Niski), which provided 7210 records (uses of a plant by one informant in one specific way). The analysis of the collected material shows that inhabitants of the Beskid Niski Mts use more taxa of plants than those from the Knyszyńska Forest. The selection of plants differs between the areas, influenced by both cultural and environmental factors. Patterns of plant use show the continuation of some traditional uses, and the acquisition of new ones from universal, “urban” culture.




Jak cytować

Klepacki, P. (2016). Rośliny użytkowe w Puszczy Knyszyńskiej i Beskidzie Niskim. Etnobiologia Polska, (6), 31–116. Pobrano z


