Rośliny sepulkralne w ankiecie Józefa Rostafińskiego (1850- 1928) z 1883 r.


  • Piotr Köhler

Słowa kluczowe:

historical ethnobotany, sepulchral plants, funeral, Poland


In 1883, an ethnobotanical enquiry was distributed by Józef Rostafiński (1850- 1928), professor at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (then Austro-Hungary). Unfortunately, none of the questions concerned sepulchral plants used by the Polish people. In spite of this lack, information on these plants was included in the letters of 13 correspondents. The highest number of plant names – 54 – was given by Apolinary Chrzanowski. These names were used in the Janów district in the Lublin gubernya. Rostafiński received a total of 96 records (7.38 records per respondent). Ca. 61 species and at least 14 genera of plants used for various sepulchral aims were identified in the submitted responses. The most frequently mentioned were Artemisia abrotanum L. – 4 records, and then Levisticum officinale W. D. J. Koch, Mentha sp., Satureja hortensis L., Tanacetum parthenium L. and T. vulgare L. – 2 records each. The plants were placed in coffins, mostly under the head of a deceased person (88 records: 55 species, 11 genera, and 8 unidentified records). The plants were also planted on graves (15 records: 9 species, 2 genera), and grave ornaments were made from plants (1 record: 1 genera) as well.




Jak cytować

Köhler, P. (2017). Rośliny sepulkralne w ankiecie Józefa Rostafińskiego (1850- 1928) z 1883 r. Etnobiologia Polska, (7), 41–74. Pobrano z




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