Rośliny trujące z terenu Pomorza w dziewiętnastowiecznych zbiorach pastora Georga Gotthilfa Homanna (1774–1851) z Budowa


  • Mikołaj Radomski
  • Zbigniew Sobisz

Słowa kluczowe:

herbarium, poisonous plants, pastor Georg Homann, Pomerania


The paper comprises two herbaria by Pastor Georg Gotthilf Homann from Budowo (District of Słupsk). The first one from 1811 – “Native Poisonous Plants for Municipal and Country Schools. The Smaller Collection” (Einheimische Giftplanzen zum Gebrauch für Stadtund Landschulen. Kleinere Sammlung) is kept in the Herbarium of the Pomeranian University in Słupsk (SLTC). The other, from 1812, “Native Poisonous Plants and the ones which are Harmful for Household Animals. The Larger Collection” (Einheimische Giftpflanzen, und solche, welche den Hausthieren schaedlich sind. Groeßere Sammlung) constitutes a collection in the Herbarium of Gdańsk Medical University (GDMA). In the smaller collection, the author included 25 charts with vascular plants and one chart of florilegium of a fungus, while in the larger collection – 45 charts with vascular plants and two florilegia of fungi. Each plant had a description including its place of occurrence and its poisonous character, and the Reverend provided an antidote in case of its consumption by people or animals.




Jak cytować

Radomski, M., & Sobisz, Z. (2018). Rośliny trujące z terenu Pomorza w dziewiętnastowiecznych zbiorach pastora Georga Gotthilfa Homanna (1774–1851) z Budowa. Etnobiologia Polska, (8), 7–18. Pobrano z


