Jadalne kwiaty nie takie straszne. Komentarz do artykułu: “Are wild and cultivated flowers served in restaurants or sold by local producers in Denmark safe for the consumer?” w Food and Chemical Toxicology


Słowa kluczowe:

edible flowers, plant toxicity, antioxidants, chemoprevention, Tropaeolum, Calendula, Achillea


In autumn 2018, Food and Chemical Toxicology published the article, “Are wild and cultivated flowers served in restaurants or sold by local producers in Denmark safe for the consumer?” by Mikael M. Egebjerg, Pelle T. Olesen, Folmer D. Eriksen, Gitte Ravn-Haren, Lea Bredsdorff and Kirsten Pilegaard, from the Technical University of Denmark. Although the amount of review work the authors have done is impressive, there is some bias, and there are some inaccuracies in the text which require further comment in order to prevent unnecessary panic concerning the use of flowers for consumption.




Jak cytować

Kalemba-Drożdż, M. (2019). Jadalne kwiaty nie takie straszne. Komentarz do artykułu: “Are wild and cultivated flowers served in restaurants or sold by local producers in Denmark safe for the consumer?” w Food and Chemical Toxicology. Etnobiologia Polska, (9), 7–16. Pobrano z https://journals.ur.edu.pl/ep/article/view/8128


