Znajomość grzybów jadalnych i trujących wśród studentów kierunków medycznych, lekarzy i ich rodzin


  • Przemysław Stolarz
  • Anna Ukleja
  • Roman Steckiewicz

Słowa kluczowe:

edible and poisonous mushrooms, medical students, medical workers


We performed a questionnaire survey on the knowledge of edible, poisonous and rare mushrooms. The study group consisted of 102 persons: 69 medical and paramedical students, 16 physicians and 17 their family members. The subjects were to recognize 20 species of fungi, however they only recognized 4.6±2.5 species. The best known edible species were the penny bun Boletus edulis 84.3%, the parasol mushroom Macrolepiota procera 50% and the common puffball Lycoperdon gemmatum 48%. The most frequently recognized poisonous fungi were the fly agaric Amanita muscaria 90.2% and the death cap Amanita phalloides 45.1%. No one correctly identified the following rare fungi: crown coral fungus Artomyces pyxidatus, triple earthstar Geastrum triplex or thescarlet elf cup Sarcoscypha coccinea. The knowledge about mushrooms in the studied group was very modest and may be insufficient in clinical practice.




Jak cytować

Stolarz, P., Ukleja, A., & Steckiewicz, R. (2019). Znajomość grzybów jadalnych i trujących wśród studentów kierunków medycznych, lekarzy i ich rodzin. Etnobiologia Polska, (9), 37–42. Pobrano z https://journals.ur.edu.pl/ep/article/view/8131


