Publication ethics

Ethical principles applicable to the publication of scientific works

The editorial team of the journal "Music in the Pedagogical, Social and Cultural Context" in order to observe good practices in scientific research, has adopted ethical principles applicable to the publication of research works in the journal.

These principles were developed in accordance with the guidelines of the COPE organization (Committee on Publication Ethics: and in accordance with the content of the Employee Code of Ethics.

Responsibilities of the editorial team

1. The decision on accepting a text for publication is made by the journal's Editorial Office. The scientific nature of the text, the profile of the journal, and the scientific reliability of the author are assessed.

2. Detected cases of scientific dishonesty and unethical activities will be exposed by the Editorial Office, including notifying the institutions employing the authors who committed dishonesty.

3. In the event of suspicion of dishonesty, as well as in the event of justified complaints addressed to the Editorial Office indicating a violation of the principles of ethics of scientific publications, the editorial team informs the author (authors) in writing about the allegations and asks for appropriate explanations.

4. In the event of manifestations of scientific dishonesty, the Editorial Office refrains from printing the text, informing the institution in which the author is affiliated. In a situation where dishonesty has been unequivocally confirmed after the publication of the work, the institution employing the author (authors) is informed of the situation.

Obligations of authors

1. The journal "Music in the Pedagogical, Social and Cultural Context" publishes only original articles that have not been previously published in another journal or scientific monograph.

2. The authors undertake to observe scientific integrity.

3. The phenomenon of scientific plagiarism is considered a manifestation of scientific dishonesty and an unethical act.

4. Ghostwriting (when we are dealing with a significant contribution to the creation of a publication without disclosing one's participation as one of the authors or without mentioning the author's role in the acknowledgments included in the publication) and guest authorship (when the participation of the indicated author is negligible or did not take place at all) are considered manifestations of scientific dishonesty and unethical actions. Each of the Authors must express separate consent to publish the article in the journal

Reviewers' obligations

1. Each article submitted for publication in the journal "Music in the Pedagogical, Social and Cultural Context" is reviewed by two independent reviewers from different university centers. Reviewers sign a declaration of no conflict of interest in relation to the authors of the reviewed publications.

2. The text submitted for publication and its assessment are confidential. Reviewers should not disclose their opinions to third parties until the texts are published. Reviewers are not allowed to use the concepts or research results contained in the reviewed scientific work without the consent of the author(s).

3. When assessing a work, the Reviewer should take into account: originality of the topic, cognitive value, substantive correctness, compositional clarity and stylistic correctness.

4. In the event that the work exceeds the Reviewers' competences or if the required time for preparing the review cannot be met, the Reviewers should inform the Editors, who will appoint a new Reviewer.

5. The Reviewer informs the editorial team of the suspicion of abuse (including plagiarism) by the person submitting the text for publication, indicating the relevant fragments of the text or providing specific evidence.