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Author Guidelines

Scientific Papers of the Polish Society of Ecological Engineering, South-Eastern Branch based in Rzeszów and the Polish Soil Science Society, Branch in Rzeszów (Zesz. Nauk. PTIE i PTG Oddz. w Rzeszowie) were issued as an annual between 1997-2014. They were formed thanks to the research activities of the members of both Societies, as well as through collaboration with research centers in the country and abroad. For a long time they promoted sustainable development by presenting the environmental studies and interpreting their significance for public education in conjunction with the other planes of this model, formulated as a binding development policy in the Polish Constitution of 1997. Following the spirit of the age and seeing the need for further promotion of sustainable development we have changed the name into POLISH JOURNAL for Sustainable Development, (Polish Journ. Sust. Development, ISSN 2450-3746, DOI: 10.15584 / pjsd.) while remaining the broadly understood natural orientation of our publications.


We publish papers in Polish and English covering the following domains:
Research on the state of environmental resources, their protection and rehabilitation,

  1. Shaping the environment in accordance with sustainable development,
  2. Research on innovative techniques and technologies used in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development,
  3. Education for sustainable development with a particular concern for biodiversity.
    The Journal serves the education for sustainable development very well, since it is distributed free of charge among educational institutions (also annual conference and workshops for teachers of Podkarpacie and gifted students interested in natural sciences) as well as relevant government institutions.
    Each article is reviewed on a confidential basis and is available on-line. Each article holds a Polish and English title, abstract and keywords in both languages. The Programing Board is internationalized and the Journal has a statistical and language editors


General requirements and technical preparation of papers to be printed:
A text prepared for printing (text editor: Word) should meet the following conditions:

  • It should not exceed 8 pages of the characteristics set out below (in justified cases, this rule can be waived by the consent of the editor),
  • The text should be on a page of the following dimensions: width 13 cm, height 19 cm (set margins; left: 1.5, right 6.5; upper 2.5, lower: 7.5),
  • The full text of the publication should include full names of the authors, together with the workplace and e-mail address, title of publication, a summary in Polish up to 10 lines long, key words. Then the following pattern should be followed: INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, REFERENCES. Title in English, summary in English, keywords in English (if the text is in English, what should be in Polish are: the title of the paper, summary, keywords and titles of tables and charts),
  • The text should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt, single spacing, title of the article and the name of the authors 12 pt font, subtitles 10 pk, like the whole text, tab 0.5 cm, leave 4 cm at the top of the first page for the Journal’s publishing head,
  • All the tables, illustrations / diagrams, drawings, photographs / should have the maximum dimensions of: width – 13 cm, height – 19 cm (along with the signatures and the whole content in two languages), should have good quality and readability, must be pre-planned or pasted in the text,
  • Tables should be carefully prepared for printing and also contain the full content prepared in Polish and English,
  • Literature should be cited in the text in brackets, according to the formula [Arancón et al. 2004 Kędza and HołdernaKędza 2015 Weltzien 1991],
  • REFERENCES should be in the alphabetical order and presented as follows:
  1. Arancon N.Q., Edwards C.A., Bierman P., Welch C., Metzger, J.D. 2004. Influences of vermicomposts on field strawberries. 1. Effects on growth and yields. Bioresour. Technol. 93 (2). 145-153. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2003.10.014.
  2. Barabasz W., Pikulicka A., Galus-Barchan A., Korta-Pepłowska M., Szmigiel A. 2013. Obiekty komunalne jako źródło drobnoustrojów zanieczyszczających wody, gleby i powietrze. [w:] K. Szymański (red.). Monografia Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi. T. IX. 279-288.
  3. Bielińska E.J., Futa B., Mocek-Płóciniak A. 2014. Enzymy glebowe jako wskaźniki jakości i zdrowotności gleby. Towarzystwo Wydawnictw Naukowych „LIBROPOLIS”. Lublin 2014.
  4. Burgess R.M., Perron M.M., Cantwell M.G., Ho K.T., Serbst J.R., Pelletier M.C. 2004. Use of zeolite for removing ammonia and ammonia caused toxicity in marine toxicity identification evaluations. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 47. 440-447.
  5. Hellenic Center for Marine Research. 2011. Assessment of chemical parameters (in Greek). [dok. elektr.: http:// chemical.pdf. data wejścia 21.5.2012].
  6. Kędza B., Hołderna-Kędza E. 2015. Możliwości wykorzystania miodu w onkologii. cz. 2. Pasieka 1 [dok. elektr.:, data wejścia 03.01.2015]
  7. Klimeková M., Lehocká Z., Žák Š. 2007. The effect of three forecrops and vermisol application on yields and baking quality of winter wheat in organic farming system. In: Proceeding of conference Organic farming. 2007. CULS in Prague. 53-55.
  8. Ustawa z dnia 1 lipca 2011 r. o zmianie ustawy o utrzymaniu czystości i porządku w gminach oraz niektórych innych ustaw. Dz.U. 2011 nr 152 poz. 897.
  9. Weltzien H.C. 1991. Biocontrol of foliar fungal disease with compost extracts. [In:] Microbial Ecology of Leaves. Springer-Verlag. New York. s. 430-450. ISBN 978-1-4612-7822-1. doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-3168-4_22.

    The text submitted to the Editor should be carefully prepared, saved on a CD, along with its paper version. The publication should include – the text, illustrations and tables, as well as captions for images and tables – as one set.


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