Use of transplanted thalli of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. In assessing of the contamination in Rzeszów city


  • Magdalena Tanona Katedra Agroekologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Paweł Czarnota Katedra Agroekologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Bernadetta Ortyl Katedra Agrobiologii i Ochrony Środowiska, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego



bioindication, air pollution, lichens, CHNS, AAS


Evaluation was made of the air pollution level in Rzeszów city (SE Poland) caused by chemical elements: S, N, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb based on their accumulation in the transplanted Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. (lichenized Ascomycota) thalli. Samples were distributed within the city area in 37 monitoring points in the winter/spring season of 2014/2015. The average concentration of lead in the city was 3.159 mg/kg DW, and it exceeded the content of the element in relation to the reference at the average amount of 43.24%. The accumulation values of other 7 elements were comparable with those in the control sample. The results show, that bioindication method using transplanted lichen thalli, although controversial when the level of elements in the control sample is higher than the contamination in samples exposed within investigated city, may be successfully used in analysis of several months spatial distribution of an air pollution in towns.

