Water and power engineering in the face of sustainable development challenges and goal implementation


  • Arkadiusz Kamiński Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A
  • Agnieszka Pusz Wydział Instalacji Budowlanych, Hydrotechniki i Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Warszawska




Knowing that the water covers 72% of the globe's surface makes us treat it as an unlimited and universal good. The growth of the human population is related to the needs for food and energy production, and water is essential for this. Water is used in households in agriculture, in water transport, in electricity production and in all industries. The needs of individual economic sectors in terms of the use of water resources may differ and even be contradictory. Therefore, the role of proper management of water resources is very important. It should take into account both the needs of the population and the economy, as well as the requirements for the protection of water and related ecosystems, as well as issues related to protection against floods and drought, and each of us can take action to save the water.






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