Can the building be considered as a structure within the meaning of the act on local taxes and fees? Critical commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 8 may 2018, II FSK 1162/16




real estate tax, building, structure


For correct implementation of the real estate tax, it is essential to properly qualify the object as a building or a structure. Currently, we are dealing with a precedent situation when the NSA and TK occupy opposite positions on this topic. The NSA indicates the factors, i.e. the purpose, equipment and the manner and possibilities of using this object as a whole. The Constitutional Tribunal emphasizes that the qualification of an object is determined solely by the features indicated directly in the provisions of the Act. It seems that in this case the only correct solution is to accept the position of the Constitutional Tribunal, according to which the language interpretation is decisive for the subject matter. As a result – an object can not be a building and a structure for the purposes of property tax, as they are separable definitions.



How to Cite

Bobrus-Nowińska, E. (2020). Can the building be considered as a structure within the meaning of the act on local taxes and fees? Critical commentary on the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 8 may 2018, II FSK 1162/16. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series), 30(112), 371–379.


