Cooperation as a form of performance of tasks in planning and spatial development




cooperation, planning and spatial development, planning authority, restrictions of planning authority


Spatial planning is one of the most important tasks of the public administration, including local government administration. Both the government and local government administrations are obliged to shape the spatial policy. Here, it is the municipalities that occupy a special place, as they are the only bodies that may draw up and adopt fundamental acts implementing the spatial policy, i.e. local zoning plans. Implementing the spatial policy is a basic task of the public administration, aimed at satisfying the needs of the citizens. In this context, cooperation between public administration bodies of various levels, as well as between public administration bodies and residents, becomes crucial. Spatial planning is a multifaceted area, which overlaps with the tasks of the aforementioned government and local government administrations, not only at the local level, which in fact involves the need to establish common positions in order to optimize the directions of spatial development. In this context, cooperation seems to be the most optimal and necessary form due to the essence and nature of planning issues. The purpose of this article is to analyse the instruments of cooperation between public administration bodies, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the government and local government administrations, as well as between the bodies of this administration and citizens in the planning and spatial development. The article will also examine the instruments not regulated by law. The conclusion will present the directions of changes in the above-mentioned instruments of cooperation.



How to Cite

Jaworski , J. ., & Sosnowski, P. . (2021). Cooperation as a form of performance of tasks in planning and spatial development. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series), 34(116), 102–114.


