Place and role of communes’ cooperation in the autority sphere to counteract alcoholism




commune, alcohol, cooperation


The great importance of the tasks undertaken by communes in the sphere of authority in the field of counteracting alcoholism and their decisive importance for the shape of the model of limiting the availability of alcohol in the commune mean that they should be implemented using both a broad and deep perspective. The instrument for obtaining this perspective is cooperation, which was noticed by the legislator and regulated in the Alcohol Act, placing it among others. in the broadly understood decision-making sphere, including both the making and the application of law. However, the analysis of the legal regulations of the forms of this cooperation provided for in the Alcohol Act provides many critical remarks. Critical remarks on the statutory regulation of the institution of cooperation in the law-making process in communes indicate shortcomings that can be corrected under the amendment. However the assessment of the legal regulation of cooperation in the procedure of issuing permits for the sale of alcoholic beverages is clearly negative. Its substitution by a new regulation should be based on its clear vision.



How to Cite

Jaworska-Dębska, B. . (2021). Place and role of communes’ cooperation in the autority sphere to counteract alcoholism. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series), 34(116), 83–101.


