A few remarks about the electronic referral in the context of the digitalisation of health care system in Poland





digitalisation of health care, health services, patients’ rights, modern technology, telemedicine


The digitalisation of health care system in Poland has forced the pace recently. This is manifested, among other things, by the implementation of the electronic referral (e-referral). This paper is devoted to analysis the legal framework of these solutions and the consequences of their functioning. The validity and usefulness of the subject matter are justified not only by the fact that this issue is of the essence within providing health services but also by the current pandemic situation.To systematises the conclusions from the conducted analysis the electronic referral should be assessed as the important component of the public health care system in Poland. In the above context, it is worth highlighting that assumedly the aim of the implemented regulations was the improvement of the effectiveness of providing health care services and realisation of the referrals. Moreover, this solution was intended to increase the availability of health care services for patients and the optimisation of the working time of health professionals. What is more the application of the electronic referral enabled further development of telemedicine.



How to Cite

Zoń , K. . M. . (2022). A few remarks about the electronic referral in the context of the digitalisation of health care system in Poland. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series), 36(118), 225–235. https://doi.org/10.15584/actaires.2022.1.18


