Specificity of the realization of self-government public tasks


  • Elżbieta Feret University of Rzeszów




self-government public task, budget, private entity, public-private agreement, budgetary authority, civil budget, self-government budget unit, self-government legal persons, associated, cooperatives, commercial partnerships or companies, council enterprise, foundations


It will be a subject of deliberations provided with hereby drawing up, how it results from his title, determining the idiosyncrasies associated with the performance of tasks public by self-government units. Different character of means of implementation towards public tasks assumed by bodies of the state, is building the base for demonstrating their specificity. One should combine this specificity with diversified organizational-legal forms under the figure, of which are being carried out, and which it is possible to divide on the ones financed: directly through budget of the self-government unit; by private entities or pursuant to public-private agreements. Different forms of financing, influence to the complexity of studied issues which additionally the lack of clear regulations, defining in the distinct way complicates, rather than only implied, acceptable form of the completion of the public concrete task through the commune, the district or the province. When we add the provisions of the law inaccurate, but sometimes being mutually exclusive concerning the analysed issue to it, it turns out that bodies of self-government units were burdened with the great degree of uncertainty in the decision making about the organizational-legal form of performance of a task. Higher emphasized observations fully are justifying the choice of the subject matter of the study. And although replies to all problems associated with financing so-called self-government public tasks won't be in it, it can constitute the base for the lead of further research in this area. They are as weighty are connected with nature of the decentralization of the official authority consisting in handing over of essential part of the tasks public for the accomplishment for self-government units along with the need of equipping them with provisions of the law into financial means being enough.



How to Cite

Feret, E. (2020). Specificity of the realization of self-government public tasks. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series), 18(91), 55–80. https://doi.org/10.15584/znurprawo.2016.18.4


