Axionormative administrative law science and its methodological consequences for the study of administration and the study of administrative policy


  • Sławomir Peszkowski Krajowa Szkoła Administracji Publicznej



values, norms, axiormormative paradigm, public administration model


Normative constructions of administrative law are the function of values distinguished for the common good (public’s well-being). In parallel, administrative law creates the basis for the performance of public administration, whose differentia specifica is the realization or protection of legally relevant values in a direct manner. From the perspective of these general assumptions, it becomes justified to conceptualize the axionormative paradigm of the science of administrative law as a research concept applicable to detailed research, without the need to reconstruct the theoretical and methodological basis each time. This provides the universal theoretical and methodological basis for dogmatic studies in the field of administrative law. From the perspective of the triad of administrative science, the acceptance of the axionormative paradigm in the science of administrative law provides the basis for reconstructing theoretically adequate and coherent methodological assumptions in relation to the science of administration and the science of administrative policy. These assumptions can be put in the form of an axionormative explanatory scheme adapted to the specifics of these sciences. The assumption of an axionormative explanatory scheme in the field of science of administration and science of administrative policy allows for an adequate identification of eufunctions and dysfunctions of public administration, in a way that respects the constitutive conditions of public administration in a democratic state ruled by law.



How to Cite

Peszkowski, S. (2020). Axionormative administrative law science and its methodological consequences for the study of administration and the study of administrative policy. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series), 28(110), 166–194.


