Система української громадської освіти у Східній Галичині (на прикладі Ставропігійської школи у Львові)


  • Олександра Киричук Львів
  • Ірина Орлевич Львів


Galicjia Wschodnia, Bractwo Stauropigialne we Lwowie, Instytut Stauropigialny, edukacja


Lvov Stauropigialne Brotherhood with its school and printing house was one of the more influential centers of Ukrainian national life. It gathered intellectualists around work in the field of culture, education and science. Along with the annexation of part of the Polish land by Austria the Uspienski Brotherhood was reorganized, the Stauropigialny Institute and stauropigialna school were established. Its activity may serve as an example of how Ukrainian public education functioned. The history of the school shows how educational patterns (religious, state and corporate ones) valid at the end of the 18th century changed under the influence of social transpositions (legal, economic and political ones). In the 19th century the stauropigialna school gained religious character – it served the purpose of teaching children the Church Slavonic and Ukrainian language as well as liturgy and sacral chanting. Until 1848 he stauropigialna school was the only public school with Ukrainian language of instru ction in Lvov, an institution in which Ruthenians could have obtained education related to their own cultural traditions. Revolutionary changes occurred at the beginning of the 20th century when the Russia-oriented members of the Stauropigialny Institute led to the loss of its popularity among the Ukrainians.


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Киричук, О., & Орлевич, І. (2015). Система української громадської освіти у Східній Галичині (на прикладі Ставропігійської школи у Львові). Galicja. Studia I materiały, (1), 176–198. Abgerufen von https://journals.ur.edu.pl/galisim/article/view/5130

