Dr Agnieszka Kawalec

Graduated in Polish philology from the Pedagogical University in Rzeszow (1998) and in history from the University of Rzeszów (2000); Ph.D. in history (University of Rzeszów 2005); since 2007 Assistant Professor at the Department of 19th Century History, Institute of History, University of Rzeszów. From 2002-2006 member of the International Research Group "The Multicultural Historic Environment of Lviv in the 19th and 20th Centuries"; then until 2012 member of the International Research Group "History-mentality-identity. The place and role of history and historians in the life of the Polish and Ukrainian people in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries", from 2009 to 2015 Secretary of the International Research Team "Galicia 1772-1918"; since 2012 treasurer of the Historiographic Society; since 2016 member of the board of the Polish Historical Association (the Rzeszów Branch); deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Galicja. Studia i Materiały; since 2016 deputy director of the Rzeszów University Institute of History for students and didactics. Conducts research on the history of Poland in the nineteenth century, in particular: the history of culture, science, intellectual history, biographical studies, the history of Galicia 1772-1918. Author of more than 50 scientific publications, co-editor of several collective works.  