Establishment of pastoral centers at the end of the Galician period as illustrated by the parish of Budziwój near Rzeszów


  • Ks. Stanisław Nabywaniec Uniwersytet Rzeszowski



development of the parish network, the diocese of Przemyśl, Budziwój, Tyczyn, Galicia


The article illustrates the process of creating new pastoral centers in the Przemyśl diocese, based on the village of Budziwój. After the stagnation in Galicia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, with the favorable state policy and the pastoral zeal of the Galician episcopate, some dioceses developed rapidly. The greatest commitment was shown by the Archbishop of Lviv, Józef Bilczewski and the Bishop of Przemyśl, Józef Sebastian Pelczar. They created appropriate materials as well as canonical and legal background, and changed the mentality of their clergy, who began to see the need to tighten the parish network. The study shows the enthusiasm of the believers and the younger clergy, as well as the resistance of some older generation clergy rooted in the Josephine system of thought and action.


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How to Cite

Nabywaniec, S. (2021). Establishment of pastoral centers at the end of the Galician period as illustrated by the parish of Budziwój near Rzeszów. Galicja. Studia I materiały, (7), 343–366.

