On philosophical problems in the selected works by Volodymyr Barvinskyi


  • Oresta Łosyk Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy imienia Iwana Franki




witalność, przeszłość, świadomość narodowa, walka, praca, godność


The article analyses the philosophical contexts of the ideological heritage of Volodymyr Barvinskyi (1850‒1883) ‒ the leading representative of the young generation of Galychyna Ukrainian intelligentsia in the second half of the 19th century. He was not a philosopher by education; however, his theoretical outlook, supported by the brilliant intellect, comprehensive knowledge and vivid imagination, clearly represented the practical nature of the Slavic philosophical tradition and humanistic reflection in general. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the selected texts by V. Barvinskyi. Taking into account their content, the three following planes have been outlined: a historiosophical one, a social-philosophical one and the plane of applied ethics. On these grounds it has been observed how the author perceived and comprehended the contemporary trends of world emancipation of nations and individuals, and what arguments he used to ‘ground’ them for the subsequent implementation in the social realities of ‘the small fatherland’.


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How to Cite

Łosyk, O. (2019). On philosophical problems in the selected works by Volodymyr Barvinskyi. Galicja. Studia I materiały, (5), 151–178. https://doi.org/10.15584/galisim.2019.5.10

