Rzeszow city budget in years 1853–1866


  • Grzegorz Zamoyski Rzeszów


Rzeszow, city government, economy, Galicia


Archive materials concerning annual budgets of the gimna of the Rzeszow city were preserved in the set Rzeszow city acts. On their basis one may investigate the functioning of the financial activity of its city authorities at the end of the pre-autonomic epoch. The conditions of their functioning within the scope of financial economy were limited by frequently changing regulations and supervising this sphere of the city authorities’ activity was done by state offices – districts (called cyrkul) and in the later periods (1855–1856) temporarily by the poviat offices. The source presented here – Pogląd na przeszły i obecny stan funduszów gminy królewskiego obwodowego Miasta Rzeszowa skreślony dla nowéj rady miejskiéj w lutym 1867 roku (View on the past and present state of funds of the gmina of the royal district city of Rzeszow written for the new city council in February 1867) was published in 1867 in Rzeszow in the J.A.Pelar’s printing shop and its authors were two clerks of the Rzeszow municipal office, namely city cashier Aleksander Drezinski and city secretary Onufry Oraczewski. It is stored in the Rzeszow State Archived in the set Rzeszow city acts sygn. 297. The authors intended it to help the newly elected city council to establish the state of the city budget and at the same time to facilitate the work of Rzeszow local government in connection with the first local government elections in the initiating autonomic epoch. Certainly it is a very interesting source for the history of Rzeszow in the pre-autonomic period.


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How to Cite

Zamoyski, G. (2015). Rzeszow city budget in years 1853–1866. Galicja. Studia I materiały, (1), 439–460. Retrieved from https://journals.ur.edu.pl/galisim/article/view/5143

