The environmental aspects of Tadeusz Czeżowski’s concept of the sense of life: ‘I’ in the world as a part of it




meaning of life, ecophilosophy, environment, criterion of meaningfulness, ecological style of thinking


This article presents the figure of Tadeusz Czeżowski, the creator of the concept of the meaning of human life, formed in the manner of thinking proper to holism and environmental philosophy, called philosophical environmentalism. He considers the meaning of human life in connection with the meaning of other components of nature and society. An individual’s life is fully meaningful when, in pursuing their own purpose, they contribute to the purposes inherent in ever-widening environments up to the infinitely great environment of the universe. This is possible when an individual is treated as an integral component of the universe, inseparable from it.


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How to Cite

Sztumski, W. (2022). The environmental aspects of Tadeusz Czeżowski’s concept of the sense of life: ‘I’ in the world as a part of it. Galicja. Studia I materiały, (8), 236–247.

