Observing and taking notes. Customs of parishioners in a small town in the eyes of the parish priest





Galicia, microhistory, customs, Armenians, Kuty on Czeremosz


The article attempts to examine the customs and behaviors of parishioners in a Galician town at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries through the lens of church-related sources (such as “status animarum” books). The analysis is based on the moral commentaries provided by priests regarding the families and individuals residing in the parish. This allowed the identification of “moral transgressions” (lack of religiosity, intimate misconduct, having extramarital offspring, physical disabilities, and character flaws), as well as conversions to other religions. The author presents the extent of these “immoral attitudes” towards religion and the Church, while outlining the main cause of their existence as the emancipation of elites formed within the sphere of positivist scientific ideas.


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How to Cite

Wasyl, F. (2023). Observing and taking notes. Customs of parishioners in a small town in the eyes of the parish priest. Galicja. Studia I materiały, 9, 218–247. https://doi.org/10.15584/galisim.2023.9.12

