Outline of the public administration control system in Poland





control, system, public administration, administration authority


The process of control is inextricably linked with all manifestations of organised human activity, and therefore it mainly concerns the functioning of the state. The most important purpose of existence of the control system in the state is to ensure the proper performance of tasks by the public administration by verifying the methods of their implementation. Due to the fact that control is a concept with a very broad meaning, many definitions can be found in the literature. In the common sense, it primarily means comparing the existing state with a specific desired state of affairs. On the basis of administrative law, the institution of control is recognised in a functional and systemic sense. The first concerns the entirety of activities undertaken in the control process, including the methods of its conduct and the criteria used in it. On the other hand, the systemic approach boils down to presenting the characteristics of separate organs performing inspection activities.



How to Cite

Łaskawski, G. (2022). Outline of the public administration control system in Poland. Ius Et Administratio, 46(1), 26–43. https://doi.org/10.15584/iuseta.2022.1.3


