The use of intelligence in criminal proceedings in the conditions of the Slovak Republic




evidence, intelligence, SIS, information-technical means


The presented article deals with the activities of intelligence services, the concept of their functioning in the present in comparison with the past functioning. The object of the examination will be the legality of the use of intelligence information as evidence in criminal proceedings in the Slovak Republic. The core part of the article focuses on the applicability of intelligence information in the context of evidence in criminal proceedings. As these are institutes that go beyond the limits of the Slovak Criminal Procedure Code, special legal regulations will also be analysed in connection with intelligence activities, in particular Act No. 46/1993 Coll. on the Slovak Information Service and Act No. 198/1994 Coll. on Military Intelligence. Last but not least, the aim of the article will be to analyse the use use of information-technical means within the legal limits. In order to achieve the set objectives, we use the method of analysis of the current legislation. In the conclusion of the paper, we evaluate the findings and take our positions and on the application of the analyzed institute.



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How to Cite

Matis, J. (2024). The use of intelligence in criminal proceedings in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. Ius Et Administratio, 55(2), 69–80.


