On the right to peaceful assembly as a guarantee of freedom of expression: some reflections on Ukrainian law and practice


  • Liliya Yarmol Lviv Polytechnic National University




freedom of expression, right to peaceful assembly, human rights guarantees, jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Ukraine


The article discusses theoretical issues of a general character concerning the freedom of expression and right to peaceful assembly. The functional relations between both freedoms, in particular, the protective function of the freedom of peaceful assemblies with regard to the collective exercise of freedom of expression, are examined. Furthermore, the author evaluates Ukrainian regulations and judicial practice with regard to the discussed freedoms in light of international standards. The article culminates with some proposals for amendments to Ukrainian law aimed at introducing mechanisms that would ensure more effective protection of the discussed freedoms. It is especially problematic that there are no statutory provisions that would specify limitation clauses of the freedom of assembly as enshrined in Article 39 para. 2 of the Constitution of Ukraine, and that would regulate procedural aspects related to the enjoyment of that freedom, in particular the issue of prior notification of the intent to hold an assembly. The absence of the said provisions created a lacuna, which prompted some courts to apply laws dating back to the times of the former USSR. This resulted in the unconstitutional endorsement of the requirement to obtain a prior permit to hold a peaceful assembly imposed by administrative authorities. Furthermore, the absence of specific provisions on freedom of assembly resulted in many arbitrary administrative decisions establishing a ban on exercising civic freedoms that constitute the pillars of a democratic society. On the other hand, the examination of statistical data concerning the courts decisions issued in recent years shows that there is an increase in the efficiency of judicial protection of constitutional freedoms, which should reflect itself in the future practice of public administration.


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How to Cite

Yarmol, L. (2017). On the right to peaceful assembly as a guarantee of freedom of expression: some reflections on Ukrainian law and practice. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(3), 114–126. https://doi.org/10.15584/johass.2017.3.6


