The conspiratorial activities of Irena Wirszyłło (1903–1944) – prison guard in the Pawiak and the Warsaw Central Detention Centre


  • Bartosz Kułan Kolegium Szkół Prywatnych w Kielcach



German occupation, Prison guards, Second Republic of Poland, Pawiak, Auschwitz, Polish Independence Movement


This article describes the fate of Irena Wirszyłło, a prison guard working in the Pawiak and in the detention centre at Daniłowiczowska street in Warsaw. Irena Wirszyłło started her prison work career in 1925. However, we do not have much interesting material from this period of her life. We have more information regarding the period of occupation. Certainly, this was a particularly difficult time in Irena Wirszyłło's life, but it was also the best, showing the heroism of her attitudes. From the beginning of the occupation Irena Wirszyłło was engaged in underground activities. Initially in the Union of Armed Struggle (Związek Walki Zbrojnej) and later in the Home Army (Armia Krajowa). As part of her duties she was carrying help to the imprisoned and assisted the Home Army to obtain information on the functioning of the prison in the Pawiak during the occupation. In addition, Irena Wirszyłło recruited officers among the prison guards for conspiratorial work. One of the most important actions taken by Irena Wirszyłło and prison staff from Pawiak was the attempt to free Stefan Starzyński. Ultimately, this action failed as a result of the refusal of the President of Warsaw to endorse the escape plan. Irena Wirszyłło's conspiratorial activity ended tragically for her. She was first detained in Pawiak, and later moved to the camp in Auschwitz, where she died. The fate of Irene Wirszyłło’s family is tragical too, her husband was murdered in Katyn, her two brothers also did not survive Soviet captivity. This article is intended to remember this forgotten character.



How to Cite

Kułan, B. (2017). The conspiratorial activities of Irena Wirszyłło (1903–1944) – prison guard in the Pawiak and the Warsaw Central Detention Centre. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4), 77–95.


