The museum as a socially responsible institution. The role of museums in the climate change debate


  • Elżbieta Nieroba Katedra Nauk Socjologicznych i Pracy Socjalnej, Uniwersytet Opolski



public policy, neutrality, definition of museum, public trust, cultural institution, public space


In this article I address the engagement of museums in the issue of climate change, which is so important in the current social context that, despite its difficult political connotations, it cannot be avoided by museum, especially if we consider museum as an element of the public sphere. Climate change is a challenge in the 20th century. Climate change will present challenges that are long-term in nature, multidimensional and global phenomenon. It could impact directly on the museum. The museum – as public institution – is increasingly transforming its mission from guardian of our heritage to active agent in contemporary society, and engages in contemporary social issues, because the external conditions in which museums operate have a significant impact on what it offers. Museum’s work around climate change is often not very obvious, but the museum is emerging as key player in the climate change discourse due to its unique position as a trusted information source. Museums can provide a safe place for dialogue around climate change. The main task of the museum is to inform the public on the science of climate change and to equip people with knowledge, shape their attitudes and behaviour, and strengthen the mechanism of participation.



How to Cite

Nieroba, E. (2019). The museum as a socially responsible institution. The role of museums in the climate change debate. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(4), 100–111.


