Abrys Publishing House as an educational task. Dissemination of retardation idea as an element of alternative education. Part I
sustainable development, retardation, communal magazinesAbstract
Municipal Publisher ABRYS has issued tens of thousands of copies of magazines (Communal Review, Clean Energy, Municipal Green, Recycling, Waterworks - Sewage System, Eco-Manager) providing professional information, shaping opinion and presenting controversies. It also has thousands of hits on the web pages of various applications developed by ABRYS, complementary to, not a substitute for these magazines. They fit fully in the implementation of environmental education as an interdisciplinary teaching and learning at all formal and informal levels. Its aim is to form full consciousness and wake up the society interest of interrelated economic, social, political and environmental issues, enabling all citizens to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the environment and create new patterns of behavior, attitudes, values and beliefs of individuals, groups and societies, taking into account the concern about the quality of the environment. In order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary, among others, to introduce professional environmental education in all spheres of social life taking into account and using cultural, ethical and religious values, to provide public access to natural environmental information, including taking action in the field of retardation. However, what is most important is the recognition that environmental education is a prerequisite for changing the consumer model of the society. So far, these objectives have not been achieved. The institutions of our country do not provide an alternative to the model of the consumer society, as they are all based on its functioning.
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