Sports and tourism-recreation investments which can potentially worsen the environment condition


  • Krzysztof Kasprzak Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Katedra Turystyki Wiejskiej



Environmental Impact Assessment, sports and tourism-recreation investments, spatial planning


To design projects recognised as being with potential influence on the environment, we can distinguish a group of investments connected with sports, recreation and tourism. Their realisation and further exploitation can be, and usually are dangerous to the natural environment as typical industry and transport investments. Execution procedures of Environmental Impact Assessment for sports investments or forecast for the area that will be used for sports-recreation aims after finishing the economic activity is a difficult process. This applies not only to technical infrastructure but also to direct and indirect effects arising from its exploitation which can have very wide territorial coverage and appear in a long term of time. They can also have significant influence on visual resources of the landscape.

