Education for sustainable development - the WARTA programme („Knowing to Act Wisely – Your Asset”)


  • Natalia Rozenbajger Europejskie Przedszkole Niepubliczne "Dziecięca Planeta" w Łomiankach
  • Joanna Kostecka Zakład Biologicznych Podstaw Rolnictwa i Edukacji Środowiskowej Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego


education for sustainable development, WARTA educational programme


Education for sustainable development (ESD) requires basic scientific, social and economic knowledge. In the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, published by ONZ for the years 2005-2014, every idea counts, as well as activities acquainting with holistic views on environmental issues and seeking solutions for new development principles of the global population.



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