Cooperation of the commune, investor and the society on the implementation of a housing investment based on the special purpose flat construction act – as an expample of application in administration of the “two-step theory” amd informal ways of operation




Special Purpose Flat Construction Act, cooperation of communes with investors and the society, location and implementation of a housing investment, resolution of the commune council regarding a housing investment


The subject of the article are considerations regarding the cooperation between the society, the investor and the commune authorities in determining the legal conditions for the location and implementation of a housing investment Considerations are conducted on the basis of the so-called Special Purpose Flat Construction Act of 5 July 2018. The article presents possible forms of cooperation. Such possibilities exist in several areas, i.e.: when concluding an agreement on social and technical infrastructure, another example is taking into account the voices of the society in discretionary decision on the consent to the location of the investment, and yet another way of cooperation can be considered the creation by the commune of conditions for the application of the provisions of the special act, for example, by changing The Study of Determinants and Trends in Spatial Development findings as necessary. As a result of the considerations, conclusions were formulated regarding informal as well as formal forms of cooperation of the above-mentioned partners in the location and implementation of a housing investment. The article refers to the achievements of German doctrine on this subject.



How to Cite

Kruś, M. (2022). Cooperation of the commune, investor and the society on the implementation of a housing investment based on the special purpose flat construction act – as an expample of application in administration of the “two-step theory” amd informal ways of operation. Acta Iuridica Resoviensia (formelry: The Scientific Journal of the University of Rzeszow, Law Series), 37(119), 181–195.


