Buchach – a city at the meeting point of different national narratives


  • Alois Woldan University of Vienna, Austria




Buchach, Barącz, S., Agnon, Y. S., Potocki, M.


Our article presents three different historic narratives of the city of Buchach in former Eastern Galicia, a Polish, Jewish and Ukrainian one, according to the city’s mixed population, consisting of a larger Jewish, a smaller Polish and a still smaller Ukrainian group. The Polish historic narrative is represented by Sadok Barącz’s book Pamiątki buczackie, the Ukrainian one by the Historical and Memoiristical Collection The City of Buchach and its Region, compiled by emigration writers, and the Jewish narrative by Y.S. Agnon’s A City in its Fulness. These sources provide different ways of presenting history, sometimes converging and sometimes diverging from each other, which is illustrated by the depiction of selected historic events: the siege of the city by Chmelnicki’s troops in 1648, the role of the city in the Polish-Turkish war of 1672, the importance of Austrian rule since 1772 for the city, and the city’s fate in the time of World War I and immediately after the war. Our comparison of the above three historic narratives ends with the re-evaluation of the figure of Mikołaj Potocki, Polish nobleman, who today is held in high esteem by Ukrainian historians of art because of his function as a founder of the most beautiful buildings in Buchach and a sponsor of famous artists, creators of these architectural monuments. He is seen as a mediator between the Polish and Ukrainian tradition


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How to Cite

Woldan, A. (2021). Buchach – a city at the meeting point of different national narratives. Galicja. Studia I materiały, (7), 11–29. https://doi.org/10.15584/galisim.2021.7.1

