Roman Rosdolsky in Galicia. Formative years of the social historian




Marxism, nationality, Peasant Uprising, revolution of 1848


This article examines the deconstruction of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' thesis of nations without history by Marxist social historian Roman Rosdolsky in his 1929 undergraduate dissertation in Vienna. The authors of the study proceed in three steps: 1) Scientisation within the family and politicisation through the environment. 2) The creative phase between science and politics in Vienna, Lviv and Detroit. 3) The emergence of the Vienna dissertation.


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How to Cite

Augustynowicz, C., & Kaps, K. (2024). Roman Rosdolsky in Galicia. Formative years of the social historian. Galicja. Studia I materiały, 11, 707–716.

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