Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)

From the Editors
Full of hope and optimism we pass into the hand of the reader the first issue of the quarterly publication “UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences”. We cordially invite you to browse the articles within, as well as to take an active role in the development of future issues of our new journal. We are counting on the fact that it will be favourably received, and with time will become a fixed and significant contributor to contemporary scientific discourse. We declare that we shall make every effort for this ambition to come to fruition.
“UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences” is an interdisciplinary scientific quarterly published by the Faculty of Sociology and History at the University of Rzeszow. The intention of the editorial board is to publish scientific papers, reports, materials and reviews placed firmly in the field of the arts and social sciences which broadly represent the research of the Faculty of Sociology and History. We desire that this becomes not just a place for the publication of new research findings from within the Faculty, but primarily a platform for the exchange of perspectives from a range of academic disciplines such as Archaeology, Philosophy, History, Cultural Studies, Museology, Political Science, Security Studies, Sociology and Social Work.
We invite cooperation and publication from researchers of both na-tional and international centres, representing those disciplines placed within the broadly understood spectrum of art and social sciences. We wish to make available our pages to all researchers who seek to share their scientific achievements, opinions, and observations on events and research projects in which they are participating. In addition to encouraging experienced academics, we would also like to extend our hand to junior researchers who have aspirations to greater titles.

All papers submitted to the editors will be subject to double-blind peer review, and the high quality of the work appearing in the journal is further guaranteed by the Scientific Board and the thematically orientated editorial team, which represents the first line of internal review of proposed publications. Both the Scientific Board and the thematic editors herald from a wide range of academic disciplines. Fr those authors who cooperate with us we guarantee an efficient publication process which will result in the issue of four editions in the calendar year, a high level of editorial work, and a broad level of accessibility that will be ensured through online access. It is the intention of the founders of the journal that this will also be a place in which researchers will be able to receive the necessary boost to their quantitative scientometric indicators thanks to the open access formula applied and the Creative Commons license. The editorial board has also undertaken to apply to the most significant databases starting with JCR and SCOPUS, via the European ERIH+ and ending with the Polish index Copernicus International.

Published: 2016-12-30
