Abrys Publishing House as educational task. Retardation dissemination as an element of alternative education. Part II


  • Krzysztof Kasprzak Rada Programowa Wydawnictw Komunalnych ABRYS w Poznaniu Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Katedra Turystyki Wiejskiej




sustainable development, retardation, alternative education, communal magazines


In contrast to formal and especially academic schooling - recognizing in our country goals of environmental education, especially the popularization as activities of somewhat worse kind - non-formal education tends to raise real knowledge and awareness of citizens. It is to translate into possible involvement of a large number of residents in creative activities. The activities of units engaged in non-informal education is not a derivative of the budget of state institutions and local government. Currently, environmental education conducted outside the structures of secondary and higher education, in which ABRYS Communal Publisher is actively involved, it becomes increasingly important part of the civic education aimed at developing an intelligent society that accepts the principle of sustainable development, being able to evaluate the state of ecological safety and participating in decision-making processes. Magazines of ABRYS Communal Publishing, as well as business conference training, educational portals, competitions, trade and e-edition now form a compact, logical, complementary element of teaching and education about the characteristics of the XXI century modern alternative education - form of kind opposition to the state and the formal system teaching at different degrees. Alternative education is opposition to the imposed values, only correct solutions to school and academic anxiety and boredom, today role of teachers, lecturers and teaching methodology used.

