The role of social work in the social welfare system


  • Elwira Winiarska


help, social assistance, social work, social worker


Social welfare and social work are two disciplines, which integrate and complement each other. Social work identifies directions for help and works on improvement. A common role in both social welfare and social work is played by a social worker, because it is the person who provides benefits, information and supports the client in their effort to improve their comfort of life and to go beyond the difficult situation they are currently at. It is worth emphasizing that social welfare is not only providing benefits but also the stress is put on clients’ activity. People in need have to meet certain criteria and apply to suitable institutions in order to receive assistance.


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How to Cite

Winiarska, E. (2022). The role of social work in the social welfare system. Rzeszowskie Studia Socjologiczne, 15, 38–46. Retrieved from


