Stereotypes and prejudices in aid work: sources, meaning, work on their reduction


  • Mateusz Patlewicz Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


stereotypes, prejudice, homelessness crisis, social work


The article deals with the problem of stereotypes and prejudices in society. Stereotypes are simplified thought patterns that arise from a lack of complete knowledge about the world. A complicated reality requires a simpler model to understand it. Stereotypes are therefore abbreviated, simplified and often untrue images of reality that nestle in our consciousness. They are formed on the basis of lack of knowledge and false assumptions, leading to general opinions about groups of people. Stereotypes are passed down culturally and intergenerationally, often from parents. The media also have a strong influence on the perpetuation of stereotypes by transmitting socially ingrained thought patterns. Understanding the process of how stereotypes arise and function is important in combating prejudice and building a more tolerant society. In aid work, it is essential to reduce all manifestations of the use of such undesirable simplifications.


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How to Cite

Patlewicz, M. (2023). Stereotypes and prejudices in aid work: sources, meaning, work on their reduction. Rzeszowskie Studia Socjologiczne, 16, 98–109. Retrieved from


