Human Right to Work in the Age of Automation


  • Viktoria Hopek University of Rzeszów, Poland


automation, the right to work, human right, technological development, employment


The aim of this article is to address and discuss the problem of human right to work in the age of automation and technological development, to consider what implications these aspects may have for rights to work, and how the right to work should be applied in the era of automation. In the contemporary "era of rights" fundamental human rights gain attention, yet the right to work remains overshadowed amid escalating automation. This article explores employment as a universal human right, emphasizing the evolving work landscape. Navigating perspectives on automation, from predictions of temporary "technological unemployment" to fears of prolonged joblessness. Integral to human rights, the right to work extends beyond employment, encompassing fair wages and occupational safety. The article explores its incorporation in international labor law, emphasizing its status in legal instruments like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As automation advances, offering efficiency and raising concerns about job displacement and inequality, the article highlights the need for adaptation. Two perspectives emerge on automation's impact, posing challenges in predicting job losses or gains. The human right to work faces hurdles, requiring tailored solutions to reconcile its coexistence with automation. Advocating for discussions and solutions that uphold human rights, the article calls for a nuanced approach in balancing the right to work and automation. It underscores the need to prioritize adaptability and human dignity in navigating technological progress.




How to Cite

Hopek, V. (2023). Human Right to Work in the Age of Automation. TRANSBORDER ECONOMICS. International Journal on Transborder Economics, Finance, Politics and Statistics., 5(2), 7–16. Retrieved from


