Economic activity of the population in developing non-agricultural sphere in border powiats of Podkarpackie Voivodship


  • Dariusz Zając University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland

Słowa kluczowe:

economic activity of the population, non-agricultural activities, border powiats


In the article economic activity of the population in the development of non-agricultural activities in the border powiats of Podkarpackie Voivodship was evaluated, with an emphasis on the use of the financial resources from the PROW 2007-2013 in this scope. The empirical material of the article covers data from universal and economic statistics. The analysis showed that residents of these powiats in moderate degree use the location rent in the development of non-agricultural activities. There is, however, quite a large differentiation in this regard between powiats, especially in the case of the use of the financial resources allocated for this purpose.



Jak cytować

Zając, D. (2023). Economic activity of the population in developing non-agricultural sphere in border powiats of Podkarpackie Voivodship. TRANSBORDER ECONOMICS. International Journal on Transborder Economics, Finance, Politics and Statistics., 1(2), 127–138. Pobrano z


