A Few Remarks on the Presence of Wood in Funeral Rites of the Lusatian Cultural in the Lublin Region


  • Elżbieta Małgorzata Kłosińska Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin




Lusatian culture, wood, funeral rite, Lublin region


In the Early Iron Age, there were burial cemeteries (Bliskowice, Krupy, Lublin-Jakubowice Murowane) in the Lublin region where wooden chests/sarcophagi were built, probably as family graves. These cemeteries were arranged in order: rows of graves were running along the E-W axis, and each chest was located along the S-N axis. The dead, equipped with vessels and animal food, were burnt together with the chest. This custom refers to the burial rite performed by the population of the Western-Podolian Scythian culture. Previously, in the Bronze Age, population of the Lusatian culture used wood during funerary rites, but to a lesser extent (palisades and fences).



How to Cite

Kłosińska, E. M. (2017). A Few Remarks on the Presence of Wood in Funeral Rites of the Lusatian Cultural in the Lublin Region. Ana­lecta Archa­eolo­gica Res­so­viensia, 11, 229–260. https://doi.org/10.15584/anarres.2016.11.10