Drogi pamięci Jerzego Włodzimierza Miszteli


  • Jerzy Winiarski Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


The article recalls the late poet, whom the author knew very well, and interprets his literary output. The author focuses on the last two volumes of poetry published by the writer from Piotrków Trybunalski, central Poland, which were designed as bilingual books, in Polish and English, comprising Polish and American motifs related to the history of the poet’s family, his favourite books and cultural fascinations. The first book published in 2001 was meant to be an introduction to the full version entitled The Tale of an Old Photoalbum. The Story of Kajetan Szczukocki and translated by Piotr and Aleksandra Szczypa. However, the bilingual version of the book has not been published, yet. The other book Valley of Consciousness translated by the same team was published in 2012. Jerzy Misztela made himself known as a regional author – a bard and glorifier of Nadpilicze, the area around Piotrków Trybunalski situated in the Pilica River Valley. The beauty of his native village Stara Wieś near Rozprza, where he spent his childhood and adolescence, formed him as a poet of the „home river” of Luciąża. Besides strong regionalism and folk-literary tradition in the post-war Polish literature, characterized by great sensitivity to rural life and nature, his literary output recalls universalism of European culture, intellectualism and going through sensuously perceived existence, being aware of people and generations passing away and of history. Realism combined with aestheticism, emotionalism and mythization imbues Jerzy W. Misztela’s work with considerable epic values making him some sort of „Homer of Nadpilicze”.




Jak cytować

Winiarski, J. (2016). Drogi pamięci Jerzego Włodzimierza Miszteli. Dydaktyka Polonistyczna, 11(2), 5–14. Pobrano z https://journals.ur.edu.pl/dydpol/article/view/5399

