Tylko dla orłów Briana Geoffreya Huttona. O filmowej adaptacji bestsellera Alistaira MacLeana
The article is a contemporary attempt of analysis of the phenomenon of the best-seller from the sixties of the twentieth century – Where the Eagles Dare by Alistair MacLean and the film based on this novel directed by Brian Geoffrey Hutton. The author of the book was also a screenwriter of the movie and, together with the director put the pressure on the situations not the content of the book, which they accomplished. From one side the movie is a faithful adaptation of the novel, from the other side the movie’s language and the filmmakers’ talent resulted in creating an incredible masterpiece, which has and will always have a great audience. The screenwriter, director, author of the music and actors ensured that the film was suggestive. The special effects are particularly interesting because they are so realistic.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Szmatoła, R. (2016). Tylko dla orłów Briana Geoffreya Huttona.
O filmowej adaptacji bestsellera Alistaira MacLeana. Dydaktyka Polonistyczna, 11(2), 137–147. Pobrano z https://journals.ur.edu.pl/dydpol/article/view/5410