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Author Guidelines

General Information

The Dydaktyka Polonistyczna journal is published yearly by the University of Rzeszow. The papers submitted for publication should be written in Polish, accompanied by a summary in Polish, English, German, French, Russian or other and a summary in English (including the title).
Accepted for publication may be previously unpublished texts, such as papers, critical replies, reviews, translations of foreign language texts falling within the scope of the journal’s profile, as well as information notices and reports.

The articles are published under license  Creative Commos CC-BY NC ND after receiving positive reviews.

The authors do not bear any costs related to the editorial procedure and printing. Before publishing the article, they sign a contract with the publisher of the magazine.

According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science, publication ethics aimed at preventing ghostwriting and guest authorship have been introduced by the Editorial Board.

a) Concept definitions:
ghostwriting occurs when a significant contribution to the paper has been made by an unnamed co-author who does not reveal his/her contribution (who is not stated as a co-author of the paper, or whose contribution has not been referred to in the acknowledgements either);
guest authorship (honorary authorship) occurs when the actual contribution of an author has been minimal or non-existent, but he/she has been stated as a author/co-author nevertheless.

b) The procedure aimed at preventing serious malpractice at the Dydaktyka Polonistycznajournal: ghostwriting or guest authorship attest to academic unreliability; hence, all such cases detected will be denounced by the Editorial Board, whereas the institutions concerned (the author’s employers, academic societies, academic editor associations, etc.) will be informed of the fact;

In the case of co-authorship, the Editorial Board requires that the contributions of particular authors (i.e. the information on who are the authors of the concept, assumptions, methodology, protocol, etc., applied to the paper concerned, as well as the information on their affiliation) be revealed, with the main responsibility on the part of the author submitting the manuscript.

The Editorial Board should receive the information on the sources of finance for the paper, as well as the contribution of academic and research institutions, societies, and other entities.

The editors of Dydaktyka Polonistyczna will document all the occurrences of academic unreliability, in particular the cases of violation of the academic ethics.

1) Papers must not be longer than 15 pages;
2) Reviews must not be longer than 6 pages;
2) Papers must be accompanied by a summary in Polish (not longer than 15 lines) and a summary in English (including the title).

The papers submitted should be edited using the MS Word processor, as follows:
1) font: Times New Roman, 12 point size font, 1.5 line spacing;
2) margins: left, right, top and bottom – 2.5 cm;
3) long quotations: indented by 1.5 cm, 10 point size font, 1.5 line spacing;
4) omissions and additions: in square brackets [...];
5) footnotes: under a regular text page (10 point size font, 1.0 line spacing);
6) illustrations: if they are necessary, they must be included in the text and, besides that, provided in the form of a separate file (with a description).

The bibliographic data in the footnotes should be provided as in the following examples (with commas used for separation). Consider the following examples of the convention to be followed:
Balbus S., Między stylami, Kraków 1996, p. 150.
Kurczab H., Pogranicza sztuk i konteksty literatury pięknej, Rzeszów 2001.
Bartoszyński K., O tradycji w badaniach literackich, [w:] idem, Kryzys czy trwanie powieści. Studia literaturoznawcze, Kraków 2004.
Miłosz C., Litwa, po pięćdziesięciu dwóch latach, "Zeszyty Literackie" 1993, No. 43(3), p. 9.
Benjamin W., Pasaże, transl. by. I. Kania, Kraków 2005.

If a source is referred to more than once:
- if the same source occurs in the footnote directly following the footnote in which it was quoted for the first time, you must write:
- if the source is the same but the page is different, you must write:
Tamże, s. 25.
- if the footnotes referring to the same source are separated by a footnote specifying another source, the repeated source must be referred to as follows:
Bartoszyński K., O tradycji w badaniach literackich..., s. 23.


Zasady publikacji w tym dziale

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