Teacher of Early Childhood Education – Does the Teaching Profession of Early Childhood Education Have Gender?





teacher of early school education, gender stereotypes


The World Bank, providing data for 2017, shows the profession of a teacher as globally feminized, out of 83 countries only in 19 there are more male teachers in primary schools. According tothe same data, women accounted for 66 percent. teachers around the world in compulsory education. The dominance of women in the teaching profession, especially at the level of elementaryeducation and elementary school, is almost an absolute fact in almost all countries of the world.Also in Poland, the profession of teacher of early school education is very feminised, in this occupational group women constitute 99% of the total population.It is puzzling whether parents would like their children to be taught by a teacher as part ofearly school education, or whether there is still a firmly rooted master-teacher pattern. This textwill attempt to face this question.



How to Cite

Sosnowska-Bielicz, E. (2019). Teacher of Early Childhood Education – Does the Teaching Profession of Early Childhood Education Have Gender?. Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science, (specjalny 1), 93–98. https://doi.org/10.15584/eti.2019.5.12



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