Dashboard in small enterprise


  • Marcin Wyskwarski Silesian University of Technology




dashboard, small enterprises, data analysis


The key problem of small enterprises is their survival on the market, it occurs especially for starting enterprises. The most important factor for that state is lack of valuable, well prepared and presented pieces of information needed in the decision-making process. This article presents the use of new visualization form of data for small enterprises which is dashboard. Dashboards are used by managers to view and analyze the data by visual methods available for them in order to current state of enterprises. The aim of the article is to present the advantages of the idea of use of dashboard in small enterprises. This form of data visualization may help managers to analyze the enterprise and its surroundings. It may benefit small enterprises especially in field of quick reaction for changes and flexibility. The first part presents the key points of small enterprises with special attention to their role in economy and society. It also contains the problem of survival for that kind of enterprises. The next key point of the article shows the idea of dashboard, which contains its definitions. It also shows the characteristics of dashboard containing eleven features which should be present in the cockpits. The article shows the areas of functionality and the application areas. This article also shows its hierarchical classification. Use of dashboard offers many possible aspect of its roles in organizations in relation to decision making problems, knowledge management and data visualization



How to Cite

Wyskwarski, M. (2020). Dashboard in small enterprise. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 1(53), 365–375. https://doi.org/10.15584/nsawg.2018.1.31


