Dangers in the financial management of local governments and the equalization of the local development


  • Aldona Standar Poznan University of Life Sciences




financial security, communes, financial management, EU funds, local development


The aim of this article is to identify risks in the financial management of communities. The occurrence of these threats, their scale and the number represents a danger for the stable functioning of the local government, which in turn may limit their local development. Restrictions on the investment is a particularly important issue for low levels of development communes which for leveling their backwardness and development should intensify development efforts. You can speed up these activities by absorbing significant EU funds in the Financial Perspective 2014–2020. Therefore, it seems necessary to conduct research aimed at providing information about the financial constraints of public sector units. The implementation of the required use of ratio analysis and selected methods of descriptive statistics. Examined the areas of financial management in such areas financial independence, liquidity, investment opportunities and debt service. The analysis was conducted for all communes of Wielkopolska Province.



How to Cite

Standar, A. (2020). Dangers in the financial management of local governments and the equalization of the local development. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 1(49), 359–371. https://doi.org/10.15584/nsawg.2017.1.27


