Marketing Communication and Buyers Behaviour on the Market of Consumption Products


  • Mieczysław Adamowicz Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska
  • Aneta Krasuska Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW



buyers behaviour, marketing communication, purchase decisions, selling technics, consumption, products market


Subject and study aims: The behaviour of buyers and forms of their communication on the market of consumption products is the subject of research. The aim of the work is defining factors influencing choice of purchased products on the market, including the forms and technics of com-munication during buying decision process. Material and methods: The work was done with the use of subject literature analysis and find-ings of own survey on the random sample of 119 persons. Inquiry was implemented on social internet platform:, during summer 2014. Results: Theoretical background of consumer/buyer behaviour on the market of consumption products was presented, including motives and preferences influencing consumer attitudes, as well as types of behaviour and technics of marketing communication. The typical models of communication on the market, selling technics and models of exerting an influence were also presented. Empirical survey shows that 65% of inquired persons buy products in a planned way, more than 16% purchase products in a routine way and 8% make their shopping in an impulsive way. Among different instruments of exerting influence the television advertising (56%) and printed information materials (22%) were appre-ciated. The price and quality almost in the same way influence buying decisions (30,5% and 29,3% adequately). An important factors influencing buying decisions are also age, stage of life, profession, level of income and some culture features such a lifestyle and personality. Conclusions: Research proved that biggest part of buyers behave rationally on the market un-der the influence of economic benefits and quality advantages. Prices are recognised an equal factors in buying process as a quality of products. In some cases the quality became the most important factor of buying decisions. Survey confirmed a good recognition of buyers in selling technics and methods of exerting the influence. Research shows that sex weakly influence the behaviour of buyers on the consumption product market.



How to Cite

Adamowicz, M., & Krasuska, A. (2020). Marketing Communication and Buyers Behaviour on the Market of Consumption Products. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 1(45), 173–185.


