The role of social leader in creating better life conditions


  • Zofia Chyra-Rolicz Instytut Historii Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach



co-operatives, social leader, enterprise, local society, Poland


This paper presents the role of co-operative leaders in creating a better life in the communal scope. Pioneers and activists from succeeding generations established many forms of common co-operative activities in the 19th and 20th centuries in different areas of the Polish lands. The main goals were to consider the groups of people living in poverty among the peasants, craftsmen and merchants, and to combine them in common economic activities, including social and cultural work toward national spirit. There were still co-operative leaders operating during the inter-war period, during the Nazi occupation, after the Second World War and the times of transition after 1989/1990. Their activities are shown in the historical perspective, against social and local backgrounds, the methods of the co-operative movement, careers, personal attributes and achievements. The characteristics of these co-operative leaders from past and contemporary times can be useful in understanding actual challenges for co-operative leaders in a local scope. The paper is based on historical analysis of biographical and historical literature, scientific workshops and contemporary co-operative journalism.

The system of co-operative education in towns and the countryside were destroyed during the transition period. The many occasional courses and training sessions, organized by co-operative auditory unions for their employees, cannot excise this gap. The education of contemporary managers is oriented toward free market rivalry, corporations and the race for enlarging surpluses, eliminating social responsibility for business organization and collaboration in the needs of local societies. Examples of co-operative leaders can be useful in the creation of activists for the social economy. Modern co-operative leaders should combine a charismatic personality with extensive knowledge and an annalistic mind. They are the hope for the revitalization of the co-operative movement.


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How to Cite

Chyra-Rolicz, Z. (2020). The role of social leader in creating better life conditions. Social Inequalities and Economic Growth, 4(64), 209–221.


